Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Swazi Update

Here's a quick recap on October & November:
Hung out with Lewis & Ruby, who finished their school library.

Ruby, at her finest, teaching to sew

Ru & Lew's new garden

Beka made a quick visit to Swaziland.

I made a quick visit to Austin to see these two get married J. It was beautiful.

Spent my birthday at Mkhaya, a fancy game reserve, where we walked with black rhinos and woke to nyalas strolling by our open-air hut.

Thanksgiving at Kerry’s with TK’s famboli. His parents visited for 10 days. We took a nice trip to St. Lucia, South Africa, where we biked with zebras, ate seafood, and saw hippos.

1 comment:

  1. It was an eventful few months. Fun to see your posts. I need to get some of your photos!
