Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Potosi and Ojo del Inca

Potosi, Bolivia
Our first stop in Bolivia was the highest city in the country and one of the highest in the world: Potosi, at 4,090 meters. It's cold, windy, and quaint - reminded me a lot of Cusco, Peru. But the altitude took some getting used to. We spent the first day throwing up in our hotel, and watching movies in bed while chewing coca leaves and drinking coca tea. We continued to have headaches for several days and got winded so easily. Seriously, I had to sit down and rest after getting dressed in the morning.

Potosina: "the highest brewery in the world"
Ran into some miners setting up their dynamite
Potosi was founded as a silver mining town and some mining still goes on, even though the working conditions are terrible. They say the average miner dies within ten years of starting, either from accidents or health problems. We took a tour of the mine, which was cool but probably not something I would do again. There were a few too many steep drop-offs and random explosions for my comfort.

The mine was full of superstitions. We passed several little nooks where idols
 like these two were lavished with gifts: cigarettes, booze, and coca leaves,
to appease the mountain and protect the miners from accidents.

We camped one night at a natural hot spring called Ojo del Inca, outside of Potosi. Supposedly Incan kings used to visit it for its curative powers. It was a beautiful place to camp and get a break from altitude sickness.


  1. Wow, these are some amazing pictures and stories. Sounds like a phenomenal adventure. Keep the blog posts coming! dad

  2. Finally home and now i can see your great photos. Puny internet in Liberia would only show me text. Miss you guys and love seeing your smiling faces.

  3. Jenzo, looks like you are having an amazing time! Better than being here in cold, low-lying Bmore. I might have to come join you. lots of love, xoxtina
